The Best BBQ in the St. Croix Valley

The Best BBQ in the St. Croix Valley

Generally speaking, if you smell smoke, you should find out where it’s coming from.

Smoke that billows from your oven is never a good sign. The same goes for your stovetop, electrical outlets, and dryer. The last thing any of us wants is fire entering our homes uninvited.

Now, don’t get me wrong—I love a good campfire. Is it even summertime if you haven’t gathered your family and friends to toast marshmallows? But even then, no one likes it when the wind changes and smoke suddenly fills your sinuses with the rage of a thousand suns.


Still, there’s one place I can go in the St. Croix Valley where smoke isn’t just welcome—it’s necessary.

Smokey Treats BBQ is a delectable fusion of barbeque and international flavors. As soon as you open the door, you’re greeted by the woodsy scent of smoking meat, followed by a stunning display of local ingredients.

Whenever I’m working in the Hudson area, I make it a point to swing by Smokey Treats for lunch. And of course, I have to bring takeout home for the family. Otherwise, they’ll smell the evidence all over me and know they missed out.

Everything that leaves the Smokey Treats kitchen is incredible, which probably has something to do with their slow smoking process. Their meats are smoked for 12-14 hours before pulling or slicing. That right there is a commitment to quality BBQ.

Sure, I can grill at home, but do I want to babysit my dinner for 12-14 hours? Nope. I’ll leave that to the pros.

Besides slow-smoked meats, this beloved BBQ joint also serves burgers. My personal favorite dish has always been the Smokey Treats BBQ Burger, stuffed with pulled pork, cheddar cheese, red onion, and one of their signature sauces. It is *chef’s kiss.* Perfection.

So, while I’d love to see a drop in Wisconsin wildfires this year, you can expect to find me at Smokey Treats BBQ regularly. As a St. Croix Valley resident and realtor, supporting our small businesses is important to me.

And honestly—when there’s excellent food involved, you don’t need to twist my arm.