The Best Pizza in the St. Croix Valley

The Best Pizza in the St. Croix Valley

Nothing screams late-night study session quite like an extra-large pizza. Those were the days, right? Gathered with friends around a too-small coffee table, you’ve downed three slices of pepperoni, two cans of soda, and some mysterious liquid that gives coffee a bad name.

You are so getting an A on this paper.

When I look back on my college years and feel particularly nostalgic, I walk around the University of Wisconsin-River Falls campus. I didn’t attend UWRF, but I was an Area Coordinator there and love the vibe. There’s something special about college campuses, a kind of camaraderie that you can’t find anywhere else.

And to celebrate that sense of community, you can often find me at Luigi’s Pizza, offering to buy a pie for a group of students.

Whether they’re headed home for the weekend or cramming for finals, you’d be hard-pressed to find a college student who will turn down a slice of Luigi’s. Not only have those kids had enough ramen noodles and canned soup in this lifetime, but Luigi’s makes incredible deep dish and specialty pizzas.

Of course, I wouldn’t dare walk out of their shop without a few calzones for my own family. If my kids found out I went without them and didn’t bring back any souvenirs? Forget about it. I’d have a mutiny on my hands.

And those calzones are good. They’re tasty, filling, and packed with mozzarella cheese. (Seriously, if you’re eating calzones with weird air pockets, you’re getting shafted.) Add in some meatballs, sausage, and fresh garlic, and you’re looking at the *ideal* dinner.

Plus, every Luigi’s order comes with homemade cookies on the house. They also serve pasta, baked Italian sausage, hoagies, sandwiches, and the best darn chocolate cake in town. Whatever you’re in the mood for, they have you covered. (My kids are huge fans of their Oreo Mousse Cake—just in case you’re aiming for Father of the Year.)

Though I no longer work at UWRF, as a River Falls resident and realtor, I consider it my civic duty to keep the students in good pizza. Luigi’s simply can’t be beat.

For the record, this isn’t an ad. I genuinely love this place, and I’m not being paid to say any of this. But hey, if someone from Luigi’s Pizza happens to see this, I’ll trade marketing for calzones. Just give me a call.